Season 2,

Ryan Johnston

August 21, 2018

Ryan is a super talented photographer, specialising in music photography. He has an amazing portfolio of artists that he’s shot, from Foo Fighters to Seal to Chvrches.

After graduating from DJCAD in 2015 he knew that music photography was his passion and the best place in Scotland to do that was Glasgow. We talk a lot about talent retention in Dundee but with Ryan, it just wouldn’t have been possible to keep him. He worked at The Shine Agency as a graphic designer up until this year when he started Tentu studio alongside Stephen Kyle and Cameron Brisbane. In just 3 years Ryan has come a long way and I reckon the key to this is the relationships he has built on and offline. He is a likeable chap who has time for everyone and his digital persona portrays the same.

Ryan’s website –

Ryan’s instagram –

Ryan’s twitter –

Tens Sunglasses –

Gavin Cragie –

The Shine Agency –

DF Concerts –

Hatching Twitter –…hatching-twitter

How to turn down a billion dollars –…-billion-dollars

Creativity Inc –…3-creativity-inc

Shoe Dog –…from_search=true

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